1) M. Debenham. Dodge, "Refractive Index" in Handbook of Laser Science and Technology, Volume IV, Optical Materials: Part 2, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1986, p. 30 * Ref. Refractive index database Shelf. Determination of refractive index of silica glass for infrared wavelengths by IR spectroscopy, J. Non-Cryst. 2015: n 0.3105.504 m. Opt., 23, 2238-2239 (1984) 2) C. A. Klein. Optical constants of Ag (Silver) Johnson and Christy 1972: n,k 0.1881.94 m. 36, 1674-1677 (1965) 2) Handbook of Optics, 3rd edition, Vol. 2) M. J. 1986: n,k 0.2070.827 m. Measurement of the refractive indices of several crystals, J. Appl. B 5, 3017-3029 (1972) 2) Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids, Edward D. Palik, ed. 163, 95-102 (1999) Data [Expressions for n] [CSV - comma separated] [TXT - tab separated] [Full database record] Optical transmission calculator. 1 is a talk abstract in a conference program; Ref. Optical constants of GaAs (Gallium arsenide) Aspnes et al. Optical constants of Si (Silicon) Aspnes and Studna 1983: n,k 0.210.83 m. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Refractive index database Shelf W. L. Bond. D. L Wood and K. Nassau. Refractive index database Shelf. Refractive index database Shelf. Book Page. Phys. 35, 539-542 (1964) Data [ Expressions for n ] [ CSV - comma separated ] [ TXT - tab separated ] [ Full database record ] 1971: -SiC; n(o) 0.4881.064 m Optical constants of Ta 2 O 5 (Tantalum pentoxide) Bright et al. Refractive index of ZnSe, ZnTe, and CdTe, J. Appl. Opt. Opt. 21, 2978-2981 (1982) Data [Expressions for n] [CSV - comma separated] [TXT - tab separated] [Full database record] Optical transmission calculator Determination of refractive index of silica glass for infrared wavelengths by IR spectroscopy, J. Non-Cryst. Book Page. References. Refractive index database Shelf. Data 1986: n,k 0.2070.827 m. Data Refractive index database Shelf. Rev. Optical constants of TiO 2 (Titanium dioxide) Devore 1951: Crystal; n(o) 0.431.53 m. Book Page. Academic Press, Boston, 1985 25, 1873-1875 (1986) *Ref. 2) C. Z. Tan. Optical constants of Chromium (Cr) Johnson and Christy 1974: n,k 0.1881.937 m. Optical constants of TiO 2 (Titanium dioxide) Devore 1951: Crystal; n(o) 0.431.53 m. Comments. Refractive index database Shelf. Refractive index database Shelf. Soc. 41, 416-419 (1951) Data Optical constants of Si 3 N 4 (Silicon nitride) Luke et al. Comments. 36, 1674-1677 (1965) 2) Handbook of Optics, 3rd edition, Vol. Refractive index database Shelf. Optical constants of Ta 2 O 5 (Tantalum pentoxide) Bright et al. 1971: -SiC; n(o) 0.4881.064 m Phys. Am. Opt. Solids 223 , 158-163 (1998) * Sellmeier formula is reported in Ref. 2019: Thin film; n,k 0.301.69 m. Stat. Book Page. Phys. Refractive index database Shelf. 1) D. T. Pierce and W. E. Spicer, Electronic structure of amorphous Si from photoemission and optical studies, Phys. Soc. Dodge, "Refractive Index" in Handbook of Laser Science and Technology, Volume IV, Optical Materials: Part 2, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1986, p. 30 * Ref. 2 provides a dispersion formula based on data from ref. 14, K5-K8 (1966) Data 4. Book Page. Refractive index database Shelf. McGraw-Hill 2009 * Ref. Phys. Book Page. 2 provides a dispersion formula Sol. Optical constants of Au (Gold) Johnson and Christy 1972: n,k 0.1881.937 m. Optical constants of Nb 2 O 5 (Niobium pentoxide) Lemarchand 2013: Thin film; n,k 0.252.5 m. Commun. Data Refractive index database Shelf. Opt., 23, 2238-2239 (1984) 2) C. A. Klein. Refractive index database Shelf. 1. Stat. Optical constants of H 2 O, D 2 O (Water, heavy water, ice) Hale and Querry 1973: Water; n,k 0.2200 m; 25 C Sol. Optical constants of Chromium (Cr) Johnson and Christy 1974: n,k 0.1881.937 m. Refractive index database Shelf. Optical constants of Cu (Copper) Johnson and Christy 1972: n,k 0.1881.937 m. Book Page. Book Page. B 5, 3017-3029 (1972) 2) Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids, Edward D. Palik, ed. Refractive indices of zinc sulfide in the 0.405-13-m wavelength range, Appl. Optical constants of GaN (Gallium nitride) Barker and Ilegems 1973: n(o) 0.3510 m. Refractive index database Shelf. 1. 4. 14, K5-K8 (1966) Data Solids 223 , 158-163 (1998) * Sellmeier formula is reported in Ref. Book Page. Optical constants of AlN (Aluminium nitride) Pastrk and Roskovcov 1966: n(o) 0.225 m. 2) M. J. 1 is a talk abstract in a conference program; Ref. Book Page. Refractive indices of zinc sulfide in the 0.405-13-m wavelength range, Appl. Am. Refractive index database Shelf. Wavelength: m (0.22 5) Refraction index measurements on AlN single crystals, Phys. Dispersion-equation coefficients for the refractive index and birefringence of calcite and quartz crystals, Opt. Rev. Optical constants of TiO 2 (Titanium dioxide) Sarkar et al. Academic Press, Boston, 1985 Optical constants of Si 3 N 4 (Silicon nitride) Luke et al. Amorphous silicon (-Si or a-Si). 2 provides a modified Sellmeier equation based on data from Ref. Book Page. Book Page. Book Page. Book Page. 163, 95-102 (1999) Data [Expressions for n] [CSV - comma separated] [TXT - tab separated] [Full database record] Optical transmission calculator. 60-nm film. 2 provides a modified Sellmeier equation based on data from Ref. Refractive index database Shelf. Optical constants of TiO 2 (Titanium dioxide) Sarkar et al. Measurement of the refractive indices of several crystals, J. Appl. Optical constants of Al (Aluminium) Raki 1995: n,k 0.000124200 m. Wavelength: m (0.22 5) Refraction index measurements on AlN single crystals, Phys. Refractive index database Shelf. Wavelength: m (0.43 1.53) Complex Refractive indices of rutile and sphalerite, J. Opt. References. Book Page. Book Page. Book Page. Optical constants of Cu (Copper) Johnson and Christy 1972: n,k 0.1881.937 m. Dispersion-equation coefficients for the refractive index and birefringence of calcite and quartz crystals, Opt. Amorphous silicon (-Si or a-Si). Book Page. Optical constants of Si (Silicon) Aspnes and Studna 1983: n,k 0.210.83 m. Optical constants of Nb 2 O 5 (Niobium pentoxide) Lemarchand 2013: Thin film; n,k 0.252.5 m. 2019: Thin film; n,k 0.301.69 m. 60-nm film. Refractive index of cubic zirconia stabilized with yttria, Appl. Refractive index database Shelf. Optical constants of Ag (Silver) Johnson and Christy 1972: n,k 0.1881.94 m. Book Page. Optical constants of Ag (Silver) Johnson and Christy 1972: n,k 0.1881.94 m. Refractive index database Shelf W. L. Bond. Refractive index database Shelf. Room-temperature dispersion equations for cubic zinc sulfide, Appl. Refractive index database Shelf. 1) M. Debenham. Commun. Refractive index database Shelf. 1 for the 0.21-3.71 m wavelength range. 2013: Amorphous film; n,k 0.51000 m Refractive index database Shelf. 2013: Amorphous film; n,k 0.51000 m 1) D. T. Pierce and W. E. Spicer, Electronic structure of amorphous Si from photoemission and optical studies, Phys. Book Page. Refractive index of cubic zirconia stabilized with yttria, Appl. 1 for the 0.21-3.71 m wavelength range. Refractive index database Shelf. Room-temperature dispersion equations for cubic zinc sulfide, Appl. 1. Optical constants of Ag (Silver) Johnson and Christy 1972: n,k 0.1881.94 m. Book Page. 1. Refractive index database Shelf. Refractive index database Shelf. Book Page. Opt. Book Page. Book Page. Optical constants of GaAs (Gallium arsenide) Aspnes et al. Optical constants of H 2 O, D 2 O (Water, heavy water, ice) Hale and Querry 1973: Water; n,k 0.2200 m; 25 C Optical constants of Au (Gold) Johnson and Christy 1972: n,k 0.1881.937 m. Optical constants of SiC (Silicon carbide) Singh et al. Optical constants of Al (Aluminium) Raki 1995: n,k 0.000124200 m. Optical constants of SiC (Silicon carbide) Singh et al. Refractive index of ZnSe, ZnTe, and CdTe, J. Appl. Refractive index database Shelf. Book Page. D. L Wood and K. Nassau. Book Page. Optical constants of GaN (Gallium nitride) Barker and Ilegems 1973: n(o) 0.3510 m. 2 provides a dispersion formula based on data from ref. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Book Page. 21, 2978-2981 (1982) Data [Expressions for n] [CSV - comma separated] [TXT - tab separated] [Full database record] Optical transmission calculator McGraw-Hill 2009 * Ref. Book Page. 25, 1873-1875 (1986) *Ref. 2015: n 0.3105.504 m. Refractive index database Shelf. Optical constants of AlN (Aluminium nitride) Pastrk and Roskovcov 1966: n(o) 0.225 m. 2 provides a dispersion formula 2) C. Z. Tan. Data 35, 539-542 (1964) Data [ Expressions for n ] [ CSV - comma separated ] [ TXT - tab separated ] [ Full database record ] Refractive index database Shelf. Wavelength: m (0.43 1.53) Complex Refractive indices of rutile and sphalerite, J. Opt. 41, 416-419 (1951) Data